Wednesday, June 15, 2011

thank you.

I honestly don't know how to express the depth of my gratitude. Your calls, your food, your service, your child-watching, your hospitality, your fervent prayers, your encouraging words and texts, that have all given such hope. What a beautiful and magnificent thing to see the body of Christ at work. I would exchange a chance to see any form of art in any museum in all of the world, for the portrait of Christ I have seen in all of you...and I love me some art. So thank you again and again and again and again. I thank you through tears of gratefulness.


Dollar General said...

Praying for you sweet Emily. Love you bunches!!

Andi said...

Praying for you!! I am always available for baby watching and cooking!! Let me know if you need anything!!

Amy said...

I love you a million times over...